Since our founding as the Maine Freeze Campaign in 1982, Peace Action Maine has worked for a world free of nuclear weapons. This year our membership has voted to concentrate on a Nuclear Disarmament Campaign. We will be guided by several of our coalition partners and hope that you can participate in designing our blueprint for our Nuclear Disarmament Campaign and by participating and sharing our events. 

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On March 14, Peace Action Maine invited guest speaker Lydia Wood (Campaign Coordinator of NuclearBan.US) visited the Portland Media Center for an interview with PAM member Grace Braley. The team then traveled to USM Gorham Campus, Student Diversity Center Chai Chat for her talk: "The Nuclear Ban Treaty: How Civil Society is Succeeding in Banning the Bomb". We will share both programs as soon as they become available.

-Impacts on Maine: Nuclear Energy is not clean and it is not green
   Nuclear Waste storage in Maine Times Record
-PAM integrates its Nuclear Abolition Campaign with the Pentagon Budget Campaign by also understanding that cutting "nuclear weapons budgets and investments, and reinvesting them in climate protection, peace and key areas of a sustainable economy, such as education, renewable energy, health, job creation and sustainable development results in a healthier Maine and planet." See Move the Nuclear Weapons Money
-"As we are learning post-Fukushima, when climate change occures and vulnerability spectrums shift, nuclear sites and the life forms surrounding them are at increased risk." Eve Andrée Laramée, WEAD magazine # 5 "The only ethically responsible action is to dismantle this nuclear weapons/nuclear power military/industrial complex, and work together to responsibly contain and secure radioactive materials, agreeing upon their final resting place. We have an obligation to the future. "

nuclear bomb mushroom

       - #nuclearBan- history and update