Peace Action Maine's Mission:
We are a voice of education and a center for people committed to disarmament and creative responses to conflict.

Peace Action Maine's Mission:
We are a voice of education and a center for people committed to disarmament and creative responses to conflict.

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  Join our Zoom Oct 30 Sat. 8 PM   Register HERE
 Program is facilitated by board member Devon Grayson-Wallace.

How the Pentagon Fuels  Climate 

      Lisa Savage*: What is Cop26?  
      David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is cofounder and executive director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk Nation Radio. He is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and was awarded the 2018 Peace Prize by the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation. Longer bio and photos and videos here.Sign the petition that will be hand delivered to Glasgow!
      Janet Weil is a longtime peace activist.  A military family member and Lifetime Associate Member of Veterans For Peace, she serves on the Climate Crisis and Militarism Project. For several years she worked on CODEPINK's national staff, including organizing for the Bring Our War Dollars Home campaign. In November 2015 Janet was an organizer in the huge march and rally in Oakland, California, in the lead up to the Paris Climate Negotiations. Janet lives with her husband in Portland, Oregon, where she is active with Extinction Rebellion, and where she recently experienced the unprecedented, heat dome event in late June in the Pacific Northwest.A very valuable "Info Pac" that accompanies your registration can be found HERE.
*Lisa Savage is a retired teacher and organizer who founded the Maine Natural Guard inviting people to take a pledge to connect the dots of Pentagon climate harm and true security in the face of climate chaos. She blogs at Went2theBridge.

What is the most obvious climate solution? How to advance this solution wherever on Earth we are? What is COP26? What is the COP26 Coalition People’s Summit? What is the Social Cost of Carbon?  What is “Keeping Up With Climate Envoy Kerry”? Where can you sign the petition and letter?  What can you do/What can we do?

This campaign is dedicated in memory of Tina Malcolmson. She would remind us that mitigation means reducing emissions and reducing the threats of climate change. Adaptation is dealing with the impacts of Climate and how they are addressed. It's about policy AND financing.

Petition & Letter: You can SIGN BOTH NOW HERE:
WBW:  SIGN HERE (orgs & individuals)
VFP/CCMP: (paste into browser and sign)

Upcoming Events and Recent Events

Join Actionar Today with Peace Action

Oct 16, 2024
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Good Folks,Peace Action Education Fund and the CeaseFire Now Grassroots Network invite you to an “actionar” (action-oriented webinar), TODAY, Wednesday, October 16 at 7 pm eastern time, 6 pm central, 5 pm mountain, 4 pm pacific. Please plan to attend, and help spread the word. Challenging US Weapons Transfers to Israel,…

Debunking Deterrence Theory

Jun 22, 2024
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Memorial Day 2024 Maine

May 27, 2024
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Today we observe Memorial Day, a nationwide day of reflection and remembrance of all Americans who have died in war, as well as a lasting call for permanent peace. Whatever way you choose to observe this day, we hope you remember that our entire Peace Action Maine network is working alongside you to build a world where…

2024 Spring Renewal Gathering Peace Action Maine

May 10, 2024
Download Flier HEREWhat a memorable and challenging talk by Lindsay Koshgarian!Thank you so much to those who could attend and help make the event a success.For those who were unable to join us but were hoping for a recording, here is the link for you: .

Restricting Humanitarian Aid means No U.S. Security Assistance: NSM-20

May 09, 2024
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Warheads to Windmills Maine Portland Book Talk

Apr 26, 2024
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Registration required: (or scan QR)Hosted by Peace Action MaineEndorsed by: Third Act (Maine), Maine Veterans For Peace, Peaceworks of Greater Brunswick MaineFor more information on May 7: 207-232-8270 Talk and Q & A, followed by book signing ($20 book)Professor Timmon Wallis and Vicki Elson will…