Peace Action Maine's Mission:
We are a voice of education and a center for people committed to disarmament and creative responses to conflict.

Peace Action Maine's Mission:
We are a voice of education and a center for people committed to disarmament and creative responses to conflict.

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Call  Congress from Congress Square Park! 
Feb. 14.: #LoveToAfghanistan, #UnfreezeAfghanFunds, #EndAfghanSanctions
Vigils are happening across the US.
      When the United States military pulled out of Afghanistan, the Biden administration responded by choking off assets to Afghan banks and economy by freezing the reserves of the Afghan Central Bank held in the U.S, by imposing sanctions on those doing business with Afghanistan, and by cutting aid. Jobs and income disappeared, people could not afford to buy food and mass starvation is now imminent. (Depreciation of Afghan $ and inflation are worsening.)
     With that background, Peace Action Maine will hold a Valentine's Day Vigil to End Afghan Famine at Congress Square Park  in Portland from 12:00-12:30 PM on Monday, February 14.  The vigil calls for increased aid to Afghanistan, to lift sanctions and  unfreeze assets that humanitarian groups say are driving the crisis.  A limited number of posters will be available to attendees.
      Several peace organizations, including Peace Action, Code Pink, World Beyond War, and Afghans for a Better Tomorrow, have designated this as a national day of action on Afghanistan: “Love to Afghanistan,” "Biden's time to lift sanctions and unfreeze Afghan assets,  stabilize the economy and end the famine.  Don't  turn our backs on mass starvation, caused by the U.S!We mobilize to change these harmful policies with  actions: (to be shared during Vigil and here soon!)
On Feb 3, Rep. Pingree voted Yea to an amendment(PA strongly supported) about Afghanistan and the US asset freezes driving the humanitarian crisis. Rep. Golden voted Nay.
On Monday February 14th @ 7: How U.S. Sanctions Starve Afghans--and How Can We Move From a Place of Love to End this Continuing War, with Phyllis Bennis and Kathy Kelly. REGISTER HERE.

Upcoming Events and Recent Events

TPNW- A living document from July 7, 2017

Jan 24, 2025
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January 22 marks the fourth "banniversary" of the TPNW, the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, entering into force in 2021. It means we have a legally binding international treaty and a structure for the world to rid itself of nuclear weapons. There are currently 94 countries that have signed and…

#CloseGuantanamo 2025 Maine Rally

Dec 29, 2024
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Thank you for joining us!Download Final full-sized Flier HERE. Rally Comments by Human Rights Attorney Panopoulos. Raw footage of entire program. Press Release. Media reports here(BangorNews) and here(WABI).

UNRWA: Emergency UNRWA Restoration Act needs Mainer's help!

Oct 18, 2024
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In January of this year, the Biden administration halted US funding to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency), a decision that has had catastrophic humanitarian effects on the suffering people of Gaza. This was based on unsubstantiated Israeli claims that a small number (12) of UNRWA employees(13,000) were…

Join Actionar Today with Peace Action

Oct 16, 2024
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Good Folks,Peace Action Education Fund and the CeaseFire Now Grassroots Network invite you to an “actionar” (action-oriented webinar), TODAY, Wednesday, October 16 at 7 pm eastern time, 6 pm central, 5 pm mountain, 4 pm pacific. Please plan to attend, and help spread the word. Challenging US Weapons Transfers to Israel,…