Peace Action Maine's Mission:
We are a voice of education and a center for people committed to disarmament and creative responses to conflict.

Peace Action Maine's Mission:
We are a voice of education and a center for people committed to disarmament and creative responses to conflict.

 Today we observe Memorial Day, a nationwide day of reflection and remembrance of all Americans who have died in war, as well as a lasting call for permanent peace. Whatever way you choose to observe this day, we hope you remember that our entire Peace Action Maine network is working alongside you to build a world where peace and justice prevail for all.

Peace Action Maine volunteers are off-line today, but we want to be sure to highlight an important event coming up tomorrow. National Peace Action will host a "Meet the Candidates" conversation online on Tuesday, May 28th at 7:30pm ET with Representative Jamaal Bowman where he will be there to discuss his high-stakes primary race and his ongoing work in Congress to support more peaceful U.S. policy. Rep. Bowman was an early advocate for a ceasefire in Gaza, and as a result, is facing a well-funded challenge to his seat this election cycle: United Democracy Project, an AIPAC-affiliated Super PAC, has already spent $2 million on attack ads and ads promoting his challenger, moderate George Latimer. You can register and submit questions for Jamaal Bowman via this signup page.

As always, thank you for being a part of our  network, and for all you do for peace!
In Peace and Solidarity,
Peace Action Maine (with many thanks to PA and PANYS leadership and messaging)

Upcoming Events and Recent Events

UNRWA: Emergency UNRWA Restoration Act needs Mainer's help!

Aug 07, 2024
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August 1, 2024 In January of this year, the Biden administration halted US funding to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency), a decision that has had catastrophic humanitarian effects on the suffering people of Gaza. This was based on unsubstantiated Israeli claims that a small number (12) of UNRWA…

Debunking Deterrence Theory

Jun 22, 2024
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Debunking Deterrence Theory and Pursuing Global Nuclear Disarmament For too long, deterrence theory has been used as the legitimizing foundation for US and global nuclear weapons policy. Deterrence is rarely examined, let alone questioned, but it is often waved around like some verbal magic wand to justify extremely…

Memorial Day 2024 Maine

May 27, 2024
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Today we observe Memorial Day, a nationwide day of reflection and remembrance of all Americans who have died in war, as well as a lasting call for permanent peace. Whatever way you choose to observe this day, we hope you remember that our entire Peace Action Maine network is working alongside you to build a world where…

2024 Spring Renewal Gathering Peace Action Maine

May 10, 2024
Download Flier HEREWhat a memorable and challenging talk by Lindsay Koshgarian!Thank you so much to those who could attend and help make the event a success.For those who were unable to join us but were hoping for a recording, here is the link for you: .

Restricting Humanitarian Aid means No U.S. Security Assistance: NSM-20

May 09, 2024
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Warheads to Windmills Maine Portland Book Talk

Apr 26, 2024
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Registration required: (or scan QR)Hosted by Peace Action MaineEndorsed by: Third Act (Maine), Maine Veterans For Peace, Peaceworks of Greater Brunswick MaineFor more information on May 7: 207-232-8270 Talk and Q & A, followed by book signing ($20 book)Professor Timmon Wallis and Vicki Elson will…

CeaseFire Now GrassrootsAdvocacy Days April 9-19 in DC and on-line

Apr 02, 2024
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