Peace Action Maine's Mission:
We are a voice of education and a center for people committed to disarmament and creative responses to conflict.

Peace Action Maine's Mission:
We are a voice of education and a center for people committed to disarmament and creative responses to conflict.


IS GCPlease find attached the zoom link along with the posters of the International Conference on Revisiting Gandhian Perspectives on Development: Reflections on Culture, Society and Politics, scheduled on the 3rd and 4th of September, 2021. Kindly refer to the posters for the detailed programs and timings (Indian Standard Time). We look forward to your benign presence.
FCSR's Dialogue on Nonviolence and Terrorism with Professor Douglas Allen's  is shared with us at the above link.
This dialogue series aims at an in-depth analysis into the comprehensiveness of violence and nonviolence, the relationship of both with terrorism, understanding the nuances of terrorism and its underlying roots and making a case for how nonviolent responses can be more effective in resolving terrorism. It focuses on understanding how Gandhi could be relevant in the present century especially in dealing with the issue of terrorism. It analyzes the possibilities of a nonviolent strategy to achieve those goals that are being tried to be met through a violent means by terrorists today. Some of the questions that it aims to cover are as follows:- How would Gandhi respond to terrorism or would Gandhi had responded to terrorism at all? What kind of strategies, lines of thought and objectives would nonviolent responses encapsulate? How terrorism breaks the harmony between mind, body and soul? How to unveil the deep-rooted power relations that manipulate societies, organizations, and states to sustain violence in every form? How to not dehumanize, alienate, and demonize those involved, overtly or covertly, in the entire web of terrorism and state violence? How to bridge the gap between ‘us’ and ‘them’? These are just the preliminary questions. As many more remains awaited to be asked once we analyze the issue case-by-case. The questions mentioned above are to provoke one to think if violent response to terrorism has been an effective measure, has it introduced any kind of constructive, substantive, sustainable and radical change that is ensuring the establishment of meaningful peace, has the scale of cost-benefit analysis tilted more towards benefits and not costs including irreversible, irretrievable losses? This dialogue aims to develop constructive and transformative political ideas that do not merely focus on achieving immediate ends “by all means” but seeks to engage in ways that make nonviolence a reality.


Recent Issues

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